Scientific Committee: Fausto Ferraresi (AIRU), Pierluigi Musghi (CMV SERVIZI, CENTO - FE), Antonio Peretto (Università Di Bologna) Francesco Melino (IMEM-CNR, Parma), Roberto Pettinari (Energifera Srl, Imola)
Activities of the Lab are mainly related to energy efficiency along with safety, where a specialized knowledge on traditional energy efficiency is merged with the expertise on new materials and seismic safety. LAERTE offers an innovative integration between energy efficiency, seismic safety and sustainability, mostly focused on the design and retrofitting of buildings or agglomerates of buildings.
More specifically, in the 'energy' field, activities of LAERTE are targeted at:
elements and prototypes for the development and industrialization of innovative plants or their components (under 150KW), to convert traditional HVAC systems into new and sustainable ones by using renewable energy;
energy certificates to improve the therm-hygrometric comfort inside buildings through the utilization of renewable energy (solar, geothermal, etc.) and new materials, aiming to simple solutions, easy to replicate and to design.
LAERTE belongs to the Department of Energy Efficiency Unit (DUEE); it has two divisions:
Energy efficiency in buildings through innovative materials and renewable energy; EDI
Heat exploitation and HVACs reconversion for buildings and plants, and rational usage of energy; RSR