A Regional Technical Assistance Programme launched by the European Commission to contribute to the extensive dissemination and effective implementation of sustainable water management policies and practices in the Southern Mediterranean Region.
Sustain Water MED is part of Sustainable Water Integrated Management Programme (SWIM. Consists of two major components, which are inter-related and complement each other: A Support Mechanism and five Demonstration Projects which have been approved by the European Commission and started implementation at the beginning of 2012.
The SWIM-Sustain Water MED is one of these five demonstration projects and acts as a network of demonstration activities for sustainable integrated wastewater treatment and reuse in four Mediterranean countries.
Objectives of the SWIM-Sustain Water MED:
* Contribute to the security of water resources supply in the Mediterranean region and * Improve sustainable integrated management of non-conventional water resources in the partner countries
Middle East, North Africa, Water irrigation monitoring urban
Tema ricerca generico
Gestione sostenibile della risorsa idrica in Medio Oriente e Nord Africa. Azioni dimostrative per il miglioramento dei sistemi di trattamento delle acque reflue, il loro riuso nelle abitazioni ed il monitoraggio qualitativo nelle acque naturali.
Stato di sviluppo
Tipo di progetto
Middle East, North Africa, Water irrigation monitoring urban