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>List of all the projects
Measurement and Instrumentation for Cleaning And Decommissioning Operations
Acronym MICADO
Abstract Cost-effective solution for non-destructing characterization of nuclear waste, implementing a digitization process that become a standard facilitating the methodology used in-field Waste Management and Dismantling & Decommissioning operations.
Large_Description The goal of the MICADO project is to propose a cost-effective solution for non-destructing characterization of nuclear waste, implementing a digitization process that could become a referenced standard facilitating and harmonizing the methodology used for the in-field Waste Management and Dismantling & Decommissioning operations. The D&D process of nuclear infrastructures demands methods for a full traceability of waste material to improve quality management and operational safety. Precise procedures provide twofold benefits: the optimization of costs, associated with D&D, and the minimization of the dose exposure to operators and personnel. The absence of a consistent and straightforward solution to characterize all types of materials, along with the lack of an integrated solution for digitizing the enormous amount of data produced, is a critical issue. Now the systems rely on the operator’s ability to maintain high operational skills and quality assurance with precision measurements that unfortunately today very often are associating high uncertainties not allowing therefore a real optimization of the waste. The utilization of several un-automatized instruments implies taking many notes and inserting them into specific ad-hoc format and on a database manually, without the possibility to combine data including previously available legacy data’s if present. The RCMS Digi-Waste solution proposed in the MICADO project will result in a proven modular solution offering an opportunity to proactively develop a unified and standardized Waste NDA Characterization Procedure and Method that could become an international reference allowing all Nuclear Operators - Research Laboratories & Safety Authorities to facilitate their exchanges. The MICADO project involves some key EU players with major knowledge in nuclear waste having all in common the interest to converge in technologies, methods and implementing a full digitization process applied to nuclear waste management.
start_date 01/06/2019
end_date 31/05/2022
url_reference https://www.micado-project.eu/
Keywords Decommissioning, Nuclear fission, Radioactive Waste Treatment, Standards
Development_Status In Progress
Funding European
Keywords Decommissioning, Nuclear fission, Radioactive Waste Treatment, Standards
S3 Area none  Traiectory  not specified
Platform none  Section not specified
Project_Type Other
Research Unit Name Laboratory Role
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