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>List of all the projects
Acronym AD NATUR
Abstract The LIFE ADNATUR project aims to demonstrate an innovative and environmentally friendly primary treatment of urban and industrial wastewaters.
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Large_Description The LIFE ADNATUR project aims to demonstrate an innovative and environmentally friendly primary treatment of wastewater. The ultimate aim is to avoid the production of sludge waste contaminated with hazardous chemicals from the treatment of urban and industrial wastewaters.
The project will develop a new innovative technology, based on natural products, for the primary treatment of wastewaters at urban and industrial level. It aims to improve the coagulant efficiency in wastewater treatment procedures when compared with current alternatives such as synthetic or inorganic materials. This in turn aims to reduce the dosage of coagulant needed and avoid the need for chemical neutralising agents, such as hydrogen chloride (HCl) and nitric acid (HNO3).
To assess its performance, the team will design and assemble two prototype industrial-scale wastwater-treatment plants. Two Spanish companies from the textile and ceramic sector will test the treatment technique using the first prototype. The second prototype will be used to test the technique for the treatment of urban wastewater. These tests aim to assess, fine-tune and ultimately validate the new treatment technique in real-life industrial and urban settings.
The implementation of the new technology at EU level is expected to provide economic, technical and environmental advantages.
These will arise from reductions in chemical consumption, energy and resource savings and the avoidance of contaminating wastewater and sludge.
Expected results: The project expects to achieve the following results:
- a reduction of up to 75% in the use of chemicals - notably neutralising agents such as HCl and HNO3;
- a 35% reduction in consumption of coagulant products;
- a reduction of organic products in the flocculant dosage of some 10%;
- avoidance of metallic elements including iron and aluminium in waste sludge; and
- a 40% reduction in costs.

location SPAGNA, ALCOY
start_date 01/10/2013
end_date 30/09/2015
url_reference http://www.adnatur.com
Keywords Textile wastewater, natural coagulants, ceramic
Development_Status Complete
Funding European
Keywords Textile wastewater, natural coagulants, ceramic
Project_Type INN
Research Unit Name Laboratory Role
TIGRI Tecnologie integrate per la gestione della risorsa idrica Home page LEA laboratory (ENVIRONMENT) Partner

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