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BIBLIOGRAFIA prodotta dal laboratorio

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An approach to interoperability testing to speed up the adoption of standards
Autori Arianna Brutti, Piero De Sabbata, Nicola Gessa  Anno 2014
Tipologia Articolo Conferenza internazionale con referaggio
Abstract Interoperability among eBusiness application is becoming nowadays more and more important. Adoption of common communication standards could be a solution, but this requires some improvements in their definition and management. In this paper we focus on the testing of a software implementation based on standard specification. Our aim is to present the approach we follow to prepare and set up interoperability tests to verify the data communication based on standards, to support the users in the verification and test of their implementation, and to ease the adoption of the standard. The use cases of this work have been business documents for eProcurement, in the context of PEPPOL project.
Referenza_Bibliografica Arianna Brutti, Piero De Sabbata, Nicola Gessa, 'An approach to interoperability testing to speed up the adoption of standards', proceedings of the Workshops 'Standardisation Developments for Enterprise Interoperability and the Manufacturing Service Domain' of the I-ESA International Conference 2014, Albi (France), 24th - 25th March 2014, pp. 295-300, edited by M. Lauras, ISTE/Wiley, ISBN 978-1-84821-799-7, DOI 10.1002/9781119081418.ch42
Riferimento repository PDF DI720-048 (pdf)
Slide associate DI720-047
Unita di Ricerca X-LAB
Keywords standard life cycle, B2B, interoperabilità, test
LastUpdate 06/04/2023
Topic di ricerca collegati
Codice Topic di ricerca Descrizione Test Test di conformità

impact factor Falso






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