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Towards new urban wastewater treatment Performance Indicators for life quality improvement: experiences from Italy.
Authors De Gisi S., Petta L., Mulargia P., Farina R.  Year 2013
Pubblication type Paper International Conference with referee
Abstract The system of 'Service Objectives', introduced by the Italian National Strategic Framework 2007-2013, is an innovative results-oriented programme in which the Ministry of Economic Development and eight Southern Italy districts are involved. The system was initially associated to an incentive mechanism which provided subsidies for a total amount of EUR 3 billion according to the achievement of specific targets set for 11 service indicators in 2013. The aim of the work is to define a new methodology for the evaluation of the intermediate incentive in the wastewater sector that takes into account (i) the municipal wastewater treatment demand as well as (ii) the quality of wastewater treatment service. Input data, provided by the National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT), were elaborated in order to define appropriate parameters, with a multi-criteria analysis being used to define the new performance indicators. The applicability of the proposal was verified considering all the 8 Southern Italy and Island districts involved in the programme. The performance indicators defined in this work might be conveniently extended to other contexts similar to the assessed geographical area (Southern Italy and Islands).
Reference De Gisi S., Petta L., Mulargia P., Farina R. (2013),
In proceedings of the '7th IWA specialist conference on efficiencies use and management of water', October 22th, 23th, 24th, 25th, Paris, France 2013.
Research unit TIGRI
LastUpdate 29/07/2014
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