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BIBLIOGRAFIA prodotta dal laboratorio

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A comparison of the efficacy of organic and mixed-organic polymers with polyaluminium chloride in chemically assisted primary sedimentation (CAPS)
Autori De Feo G., Galasso M., Landi R., Donnarumma A., De Gisi S.  Anno 2013
Tipologia Articolo Rivista internazionale con referaggio
Abstract CAPS is the acronym for chemically assisted primary sedimentation, which consists of adding chemicals to raw urban wastewater to increase the efficacy of coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation. The principal benefits of CAPS are: upgrading of urban wastewater treatment plants; increasing efficacy of primary sedimentation; and the major production of energy from the anaerobic digestion of primary sludge. Metal coagulants are usually used because they are both effective and cheap, but they can cause damage to the biological processes of anaerobic digestion. Generally, biodegradable compounds do not have these drawbacks, but they are comparatively more expensive. Both metal coagulants and biodegradable compounds have preferential and penalizing properties in terms of CAPS application. The problem can be solved by means of a multi-criteria analysis. For this purpose, a series of tests was performed in order to compare the efficacy of several organic and mixed-organic polymers with that of polyaluminium chloride (PACl) under specific conditions. The multi-criteria analysis was carried out coupling the simple additive weighting method with the paired comparison technique as a tool to evaluate the criteria priorities. Five criteria with the following priorities were used: chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal > turbidity, SV60>coagulant dose, and coagulant cost. The PACl was the best alternative in 70% of the cases. The CAPS process using PACl made it possible to obtain an average COD removal of 68% compared with 38% obtained, on average, with natural sedimentation and 61% obtained, on average, with the best PACl alternatives (cationic polyacrylamide, natural cationic polymer, dicyandiamide resin).
Referenza_Bibliografica De Feo G., Galasso M., Landi R., Donnarumma A., De Gisi S. (2013),
Environmental Technology, Volume 34, Issue 10, pages 1297-1305.
Riferimento WEB http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09593330.2012.745622#.U9E-tPl_t8E
Riferimento WEB 2 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/258313138_A_comparison_of_the_efficacy_of_organic_and_mixed-organic_polymers_with_polyaluminium_chloride_in_chemically_assisted_primary_sedimentation_%28CAP
Unita di Ricerca TIGRI
Keywords CAPS, Multi-criteria analysis, Organic polymers, Polyaluminium chloride, Urban wastewater
LastUpdate 29/07/2014
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