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Topic code
5.2. Material diagnostics
Subclasses of the research Topic
Code Topic Description
5.2.1 Non-destructive diagnostics for the study of materials Analysis of materials by scanning electron microscope and electronic microanalysis and in situ material characterization through non-destructive tests.

Material diagnostics
Research units working on the topic
Unit Research unit long name Laboratory In short URL
SAFE SAFE (Sicurezza e sostenibilità di infrastrutture, impianti ed edifici con approccio multi rischio: sismico, incendio , impatto, etc.) Home page TEMAF laboratory (Materials)

Produced bibliography on the topic
Year Title Reference Publication type
2022 Petrographic investigations on stone materials of modern mosaic tiles Journal of Anthropological and Archaeological Sciences (2022), 6(3), 721-724.
Paper International Journal with referee

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