Topic code |
2.7.1. Models and characterisation for Athmosferic poll
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Produced bibliography on the topic
Application of Non-Parametric Control Charts (Statistical Process Control) to radioxenon distribution at International Monitoring System stations of the CTBTO
ETSON newsletter (2022) https://www.etson.eu/node/291...
Analisi di Anidrozuccheri, Frazione Carboniosa e Ioni Inorganici Solubili sul Particolato Emesso da Sistemi di Riscaldamento a Biomassa Solida: Studio Preliminare.
M. Stracquadanio, T.M.G. La Torretta, L. A. Stante, A. Malaguti, C. Telloli, E. Petralia, R. Nuzzi, ...
Paper National Conference with referee
Assessment of the AMS-MINNI system capabilities to simulate air quality over Italy for the calendar year 2005
M. Mircea, L. Ciancarella, G. Briganti, G. Calori, A. Cappelletti, I. Cionni, M. Costa, G. Cremona, ...
Paper International Journal with referee
M Adani, M. Mircea, C. Silibello, M. D’Isidoro, L. Ciancarella, L. Vitali, A. Piersanti, G. Briganti...
Paper International Conference with referee
Methodologies for the evaluation of spatial representativeness of air quality monitoring stations in Italy
Righini G., Cappelletti A., Cionni I., Ciucci A., Cremona G., Piersanti A., Vitali L., Ciancarella L...
Paper National Journal with referee
Study of the impact of low vs. high resolution meteorology on air quality simulations using the MINNI model over Italy.
D'Isidoro M., Mircea M., Vitali L., Cionni I., Briganti G., Cappelletti A., Finardi S., Pace G., Cia...
Paper International Journal with referee
Benzo[a]pyrene modelling over Italy: comparison with experimental data and source apportionment.
Silibello C., Calori G., Costa M.P., Dirodi M.G., Mircea M., Radice P., Vitali L., Zanini G. Atmos...
Paper International Journal with referee
Fine carbonaceous aerosol characteristics at a coastal rural site in the Central Mediterranean as given by OCEC online measurements.
Malaguti A., Mircea M., La Torretta T., Piersanti A., Salvi S., Zanini G., Telloli C., Salfi F., Ber...
Paper International Journal with referee
A study of heavy metals pollution in Italy with the atmospheric modelling system of MINNI project.
Mircea M., Silibello C., Calori C., Costa M. P., Dirodi G., Radice P., Vitali L., Zanini G. 16th In...
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Simulazione a scala nazionale della concentrazione di POP e metalli pesanti. Valutazione degli effetti delle sorgenti nazionali ed estere.
Silibello C., Calori G., Costa M.P., Mircea M., Radice P. 5 Convegno Nazionale 'Il controllo degli...
Poster National Conference with referee
Composizione chimica dell’aerosol in 15 città: ricostruzione per l’anno 2007 con il sistema modellistico dell’atmosfera del progetto MINNI
Mircea M., Piersanti A., D’Isidoro M., Cionni I., Righini G., Vitali L., Briganti G., Cappelletti A....
Project report or deliverable
Ozone simulations with atmospheric modelling system of Minni project: a multi-year evaluation over Italy
M. Mircea, G. Briganti, A. Cappelletti, L. Vitali, G. Pace, M. D'Isidoro, G. Righini, A. Piersanti, ...
Paper International Conference with referee
National Italian integrated atmospheric model on air pollution: sensitivity to emission inventory
L. Ciancarella, G. Briganti, G. Calori, A. Cappelletti, I. Cionni, M.Costa, G. Cremona, I. D'Elia, M...
Paper International Conference with referee
Analisi anagrafica stazioni qualità dell'aria ed estrazione dei dati per la validazione del modello nazionale MINNI
G. Righini, G. Cremona, A. Piersanti, L. Ciancarella, M. D'Isidoro, M. Mircea, L. Vitali, I. Cionni...
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Modeling Air Quality over Italy with MINNI Atmospheric Modeling System: from Regional to Local Scale
G. Zanini, M. Mircea, G. Briganti, A. Cappelletti, A. Pederzoli, L. Vitali, G. Pace, P. Marri, C. Si...
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