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Network of demonstration activities for sustainable integrated wastewater treatment and reuse in the Mediterranean
Acronym SustainWaterMED
Abstract The action is aimed at promoting a sustainable and integrated water resources management in the Mediterranean region. A water demand management approach and the sustainable use of non-conventional water will be promoted and disseminated.
Large_Description The overall objective of the action is to contribute to the promotion of sustainable water resources management in the Mediterranean region. The specific objectives are to promote an integrated approach for water resources management based on water demand management and the sustainable use of non-conventional water, by: drawing the attention of Partner Countries decision makers and stakeholders on the existence of adequate reuse-oriented low-cost wastewater treatment technologies; supporting partner countries in designing and implementing sustainable water management policies with regards to adequate treatment and reuse of wastewater; contributing to the development of necessary planning and management skills at the local and national levels and facilitate regional know how transfer and cooperation.
The action foresees the implementation of sustainable wastewater treatment and reuse activities in close cooperation with stakeholders in Mediterranean partner countries (Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia) as well as action oriented capacity development and awareness raising on the local and national level. More in detail, pilot activities on adequate wastewater treatment and reuse in 4 target countries (Egypt, Jordan (two activities), Morocco, Tunisia) will be carried out.
Moreover, accompanying study of social, environmental and economic effects of the pilot activity will be carried out and a compendium including good practices examples, lessons learnt and conclusions regarding cost and benefits will be defined.
Regional workshops for knowledge exchange and expert training. Visibility activities and promotion of sound legal and policy frameworks, policy briefing papers and organisation of a regional conference
location Mena Coutries
start_date 01/08/2012
end_date 31/07/2015
innovation Contribute to the promotion of sustainable water resources management in the Mediterranean region through the implementation of low cost wastewater treatment activities and water reuse applications
Keywords Mediterranean Region, Sustainable water management, Water reuse, Capacity building
Development_Status Complete
Funding European
Keywords Mediterranean Region, Sustainable water management, Water reuse, Capacity building
Project_Type TT
Research Unit Name Laboratory Role
TIGRI Tecnologie integrate per la gestione della risorsa idrica Home page LEA laboratory (ENVIRONMENT) Partner






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