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>List of all the projects
LIFE MAGIS MAde Green in Italy Scheme
Abstract The project supports the diffusion of 'Made Green in Italy', a scheme promoted by the Italian Ministry of the Environment to valorise Italian products with the best environmental performances, based on PEF (Product Environmental Footprint) method.
Large_Description The LIFE MAGIS - MAde Green in Italy Scheme project, co-funded by the LIFE Programme of the European Union, supports the diffusion of 'Made Green in Italy', the environmental evaluation and communication scheme promoted by the Italian Ministry of the Environment to valorise Italian products with the best environmental performances and based on the PEF (Product Environmental Footprint) method, created at European level. LIFE MAGIS develops Product Category Rules for many supply chains in the agrofood, window production and leather sectors which are verified and tested with pilot companies. The project organises communication activities directed toward citizens and consumers to experiment with the most effective ways to communicate the environmental value of products and has also the aim to promote the Made Green in Italy scheme to other supply chains, sectors and European countries. LIFE MAGIS makes available datasets and tools to make the adoption of the scheme easier for interested companies.
location Unione Europea
start_date 02/09/2019
end_date 31/12/2022
url_reference http://www.lifemagis.eu
innovation Testing with pilot companies from the agrofood, leather and wooden fixtures sectors of the Product Environmental Footprint method and the e Made Green in Italy scheme, to calculate and communicate the environmental performance of Made in Italy products.
Keywords Product Environmental Footprint, Made Green in Italy, Valutazione impatto ambientale prodotti, Comunicazione impatto ambientale prodotti.
Development_Status In Progress
Funding European
Keywords Product Environmental Footprint, Made Green in Italy, Valutazione impatto ambientale prodotti, Comunicazione impatto ambientale prodotti.
S3 Area Agrofood  Traiectory Filiera agroalimentare integrata e sostenibile
Platform Energy and Environment
Project_Type INN
Research Unit Name Laboratory Role
LEI LCA ed ecodesign per l’eco-innovazione Home page LEA laboratory (ENVIRONMENT) Scientific/Technical coordinator

Related research topics
Code Topic Description
I.2 Innovation in agrofood system Innovation in agrofood system
I.3 Innovation in building Innovation in building






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