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Topic code
3.1.2. Communication technologies for interoperability
Communication technologies for interoperability
Related Projects
Acronym Project Abstract url_reference end_date
ENERGYNIUS https://www.energynius.it/ 22/02/2022
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TRAME Subcontracting management and optimisation project.
Innovation project leaded by TQR indu(...)
trameproject.unile.it 31/12/2007
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Available related Outcomes and deliverables
Title Abstract Keywords Link
MSH2 MSH2 is a Message Service Handler implementation supporting ebxml Message Service (ebMS) specification and SMTP communication protocol.
MSH2 is developed in Visual Basic .NET language with MS Visual Studio 2005, it is a part of CP-NET.

MSH2 Functionality tour

Research units working on the topic
Unit Research unit long name Laboratory In short URL
X-LAB Unità Operativa X-LAB Home page CROSS-TEC laboratory (ICT and ENERGY)

X-LAB is a laboratory, located in Bologna, dedicated to technologies and standards for interoperability and their tra...


Produced bibliography on the topic
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