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Report: Trends and opportunities in interoperability standardisation: the perspective of the COIN Integrated Research project
abstract A generic methodology to master the complexity of the relationships between outcomes of a complex IT research project (like COIN is) and current standardisation activities running in a multiplicity of bodies and consortia.
Description CROSS-TEC contributed to the report on the result of the research on "Trends and opportunities in interoperability standardisation: the perspective of the COIN Integrated Research project".

The document was aimed at collecting, analysing and framing relevant standardisation activities which are related to the COIN Project, and to assess them against the current development status of the COIN project.

The objective of the document:

- to identify possible interesting standardization activites that are related to COIN, and for which COIN could contribute, that include elements for new specifications but also contributions in terms of vision and requirements;
- to setup a generic methodology to master the complexity of the relationships between outcomes of a complex IT research project (like COIN is) and current standardisation activities running in a multiplicity of bodies and consortia.
Keywords standard interoperability methodology
Link1 The report
Link2 Presentation
Laboratory X-LAB
Partner ENEA
Main research topic 3.1.1 eBusiness standards
Direct LISEA result Falso
Direct Technopole result Vero
Related research topics
Code Topic Description ID
3.1.1 eBusiness standards eBusiness standards 23

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